Wednesday 25 January 2017




It is presumed that Euclid was born around 330 BC in Tyre.he was a great Greek mathematicians.He went on to contribute greatly in the field of mathematics.
Euclid was consider as the father of Geometry  For his famous works in mathematics.His work in mathematicsis so detailed that now and days we can find area easier.And his magnum opus : Elements , is one of the greatest mathematical works in history , with its being use in education up  until the 20th century. Nonetheless ,Euclid is credited with  the instruction  of the rigorous , logical proof for theorems and conjectures.such a frame work is used in these days, and thus , arguably , he has had a greatest influence if all mathematicians on this list.


Euclid's education and even birthplace are still in dispute. It is said that he was a Greek born in Tyre and lived in Damascus throughout his life.It is also said that he studied in Plato's ancient school in Athens , a place that was only meant for affluent people.He got his mathematical training from the students of Plato.

EUCLID'S  Invention

when Euclid lived he had many great achievements.One of his greatest achievements was that he published 13 books.

Of Euclid'S inventions his most famous is the  Elements, which was the base of geometry.The Elements were based on the geometry of the Greeks.People used  the information in the volumes to do a lot of things , such as  measures the things  .For example building houses . People use geometry to calculate numbers , measures shapes , width , height and other things like that .We also use geometry to read maps. Perhaps from the Elements famous mathematicians might have gotten ideas , and thousands of people have used the Elements for school books .I think that without 13  volume The Elements ,we would be completely lost.Or three are the  Elements of music , which has probably thought lot of people's lot of things .
The world might have missed out on all the things he invented if they hadn't used both of those books. Well , as you can see a lot of people used Euclids inventions.
People use it basically as math because geometry is a part of math that we used to calculate numbers.For example  we used it to read maps , we use it for lot of stuff.


1. Euclid'S  Elements (1908)
2. Euclid'S  phenomena (1996)
3. The  phaenomena
4.  Catoptrics
5.  Data

Elements was Euclids most famous work and continues to influence mathematics even to this day but he wrote a number of books as well.At least 5works of Euclid have survived to this days.

This book holds 94 propositions  and basically deals  with the nature and implications of "given" information in geometrical problems.

It is another important work that is related to the mathematical theory of mirrors.

It throws light on spherical astronomy . It is strikingly similar to 'on the moving sphere' by autofocus of pitane , who flourished around 310 BC.

This work  shares knowledge about theory of perspective and is the earliest surviving Greek treatise on perspective.

Apart from the five abovementioned extant works , there are some works attributed to Euclid , but have been lost. These are ' conics' , 'Pseudaria' and 'Surface  Loci'. In addition to these , various Arabic sources consider Euclid as author of several works on mechanics.


Euclid's Elements form one of the most beautiful and influence works  of science in the history of  human mankind. It's  beauty lies in its logical development of geometry and other branches of mathematics. It has influenced all branches of science but none so much as mathematics and the exact sciences.The elements have been studied 24 centuries in many languages starting, of course , in the original Greek , then in Arabic , Latin , and many modern languages. Euclid's 'Elements' is a collection of definitions , postulates,  theorems and  constructions  and also the mathematical proofsof the propositions. All the 13 books cover Euclidean geometry and the ancient Greek elementary number theory.

EUCLID'S Other Works

Euclid had a few works that survived throughout the  years.For instance, on Division of figures was a work that focused on geometrical figures. His work catoptrics was about mathematical theories of mirrors.These are some other works that have been lost, but there is some record of them , including conics, Porisms, and Surface Loci , among several others. Euclid was the first Greek  Mathematician who initiated  a new way of thinking the study of geometry.  He introduced the  method of proving a geometrical result by  deductive  reasoning based upon previously proved result and some self  evident specific  assumptions  called axioms. The geometry of plane figure is known as' EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY'  . Euclid is known as the father of geometry.His work is found in thirteen books.


1. " There is no royal road to geometry ".
2. " There laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God ".

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